Sunday, May 20, 2012

Simple Sunday

Welcome to Simple Sunday where I link up with Rebecca from Simple as That.

New trike
Canon T1i | Manual | 50mm | ISO 400 | f/2.8 | 1/125 sec

This isn't a GREAT photo of our 21-mo (J), from the technical perspective. However, this is J's first time on a new trike from Grandma and Grandpa, so he's uber-excited. While Grandpa was assembling the bike, I was told (since when G&G visit, the hubby and I can nap!) that J was studying the box. As soon as the trike was assembled, J hopped on and (tried to) put his feet on the peddles. Guess he saw the boy on the box do it, so he figured that's what's supposed to happen...and also, the Friday before, he saw the big kids at daycare ride trikes outside. Soon his legs will be long enough and we can ride outside!

Hope you'll link up with Rebecca from Simple as That!!!! You don't need a fancy camera or editing software, just snap something simple and link up :). I've met at least one wonderful blogger through the link-up, Life with 2 Dumplings, which documents the journey of a family adopting two kids from China and a third one joining them (hopefully) soon.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

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Originally posted at - Simple Sunday


  1. Hey Lisa, thanks for the shout out! ;)

    I can't wait to see him take that trike for a ride!!! And you're so funny about the nap you guys squeeze in. My kids don't have grandparents nearby, but my sister and her hubs do...and take full advantage of a nap opportunity! lol.

  2. Oh too cute, he is totally excited. We are thinking of getting bubba one of these and this photo has just convinced me to get onto it asap!

  3. Now look at that...he looks like a heartbreaker cruising around town. LOLI I love his PJs. That really made me laugh. It's the perfect outfit for being a tough kid on a bike. LOL

  4. He looks so excited about his trike! I wanted to tell you that Baby C got on a riding truck at the gym the other day and she rode it backwards. It reminded me of your picture when J rides his backwards. :)

  5. that's a mighty cool ride from gramps and grandma! until he can reach his legs, i am sure he'll have a ton of fun getting on and off indoors. :)

  6. Another parallel in our lives: on Sunday, we bought Gavin a used tricycle (photos to come tomorrow)!!! And, just like J, Gavin's little legs weren't long enough to reach the pedals!!!

  7. I think my comment didn't go through, hopefully I don't end up with two! He looks so happy and excited with his new toy. He's getting big so fast.

    Thanks for the hookup to Simple as That, what a great blog! Beautiful pics!


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