Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Fun

Hope you enjoyed reading about the blogging experiences from others this past week. Thanks for all of your WONDERFUL comments! For a summary, here are the posts from Nilsa, from Kat, and from Mandi.

This coming weekend is my sister's birthday, and in preparation, our 21-mo (J) has decided to bake a cake for her. So first, we're gonna need every condiment from the drawer, which includes coarse salt, apple cider vinegar, and raisins.

Both photos: Canon T1i | Manual | 50mm | ISO 200 | f/2.8 | 1/125 sec | SpeedLite 380EX

Next, we'll definitely need lots of baking soda, powdered sugar, and couscous for the frosting...


Ok, so maybe J didn't REALLY have the idea to bake a cake...if he did, he's wasn't THAT off on the ingredient list ;). Nevertheless, I got 4 avocados and lots of butter in the fridge just BEGGING to be made into frosting. Yes, that's right -- AVOCADO FROSTING! I heard it first from Rachel at Bubbly Nature Creations. And the creator of such amazingness -- Dorothy from Crazy for Crust. I think I'm going to frost some vanilla cupcakes. And then maybe lick the inside of the frosting bag too ;).

Would you try avocado frosting?
Have a great weekend!

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Originally posted at - Friday Fun


  1. Oh these are so funny! Avocado frosting? Hmmm...never heard of it.

    And a big Happy Birthday to your sister!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. That would be an interesting cake!!!!
    I have seen Avocado frosting recently... and I can't say that I would try it myself but I'm not huge into avocados, so there! ;)

    But... I look forward to hearing what you think of them!!!

  3. Oh, he's going to bake a cute! :) Avocado frosting doesn't seem like something I would enjoy, but I know the hubs would love it.

  4. Oh my goodness! I never heard of such a thing. But it is something I need to try. Yummy!

  5. I've heard of avocado frosting, but never tried it. You'll have to let me know how it comes out. Just the other weekend, a friend brought over a salad and had whipped an avocado into the honey mustard dressing to make it a bit creamier. It was actually really good.

  6. kayla LOVES helping me bake cupcakes! her favorite is the frosting part; she tends to eat most of the frosting and it ends up all over her hands than the cupcakes!

    we have a long weekend here and it's going to be a beautiful one. have a great weekend!

  7. How cute~ Luckily all those items were sealed up ... I would love the see the pics if the weren't!! Hahahaha Have a great weekend~

  8. Oh, so cute!!! Please tell me if its good.. I've been wanting to make some too!!!

  9. these are such lovely photos of little j. he is so lucky to have a mom who captures every precious moment. :) yes, choices... choices... "what to gather for the ingredients?" hehee.. j is such a cutie. i am going to try the avocado frosting this weekend. my kids love baking with me, and i am not fond of store-bought frosting.

    have a fun-filled wknd, and happy birthday to your sister!

  10. Only if you tricked me! Looks like J is having way too much fun in the kitchen LOL

  11. I bet J loved seeing so many things taken out of the cupboard now within arm's reach! How was the avocado frosting? Did it taste like a light type of frosting? Very curious!


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