Today's guest post is by Kristin of Mondays with Mac. I’ll be honest and say that Kristin is not a person I’d meet in my daily life. I spend most, if not all, of my time in the suburbs of D.C. where I work and live with conservative types. So, to have met Kristin and to read her journey as a mother at Mondays with Mac: a gay fairytale for the digital age, reminds me that being a mother is being a mother, no matter the race, ethnicity, beliefs, or type of family. Read why Kristin calls her blog a pre-teen, what her blogging tips and tricks are, why she, like me, doesn’t like CAPTCHA codes, and why the love for her son overflows into her blog.
* Kristin is a mom to a beautiful baby boy named “Mac” and blogs at Mondays with Mac.*
Kristin's Basics for Better Blogging
I was so honoured to be asked to participate in this series of guest posts. I love reading the "how to blog better" style posts (of which Lisa has had quite a few) and am humbled to be in such good company while adding to the conversation. My blog is still relatively new. A pre-teen on the blogging scene, if you will. It's still dealing with the occasional pimple and hormone-induced-awkwardness. But it is trying new things and finding its way. And learning a lot from its elders.
I've given this post a lot of thought. What do I want to say to help other bloggers blog better? At first I didn't think I had much to say on the topic. But with some consideration, I realized that there are three different posts I could write. And I've struggled to find a way to bring them together. A conundrum which should perhaps be its own tip (make sure your posts follow a coherent structure). But let’s just pretend that this one is a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do kinda tip, shall we? Because I'm about to combine three posts into one and hope that you are still with me when we're all done. Ready? Excellent.
1. Tips and Tricks
This part will be the most information-dense section of this post. So to make it more easily digestible I am going to write it in list form.
Be present across various forms of social media. Set up a Facebook fan page, as well as Twitter and Pinterest accounts for your blog. Share behind the scenes stuff that doesn't make it to your actual blog page. Don't just link your blog posts. Your fans want to interact with you and get to know you on a personal level. Ask question, share anecdotes, and respond to other people's tweets.
Don’t be afraid of HTML code. You don't need a degree in computer science to blog better. Blogging platforms and other bloggers have made it very simple. If you want to add a Facebook “Like” button on your page (or post) or a “follow me on Twitter” button, just Google "HTML code Twitter button" and you'll find what you are looking for. Adding a “Pin It” button here and there is smart too. And while you are at it, you might want to insert an image (or two) on your posts because images Pin better. See?
And speaking of HTML, try out various widgets. And if you don't know what a widget is, Google “widget” and then come back. Some widgets you will love and others you won't. They are easy to install and easy to delete so you aren't signing up for a lifetime commitment. My favourites include LinkWithin and ShareThis.
Find places to link your blog. There are many ways to do this. There are blog directories (many of which are ranked and rated), blog hops, link-up parties, and blog carnivals. Search these terms and look for those in your niche. Some will get you a lot of exposure and hits. Others won't. It's all trial and error.
Host giveaways. This is a tricky one. Some people love giveaways and others hate it when bloggers "sell out." But the truth is that giveaways bring in a lot of new followers. Some of those followers will stick around and engage. Others you will never hear from again. But if you get a few new followers every time, it might be worth it. Try to only give away products that you would actually want yourself. I get a lot of emails from PR companies wanting me to advertise their dating website or jock itch cream. I politely tell these folks “no thank-you.” The best giveaways are those that you can personally endorse. If you love a product, try emailing the company to see if they would be interested in offering a giveaway on your blog. If they already know that you will give them a favourable review, they will be easier to convince. Don't set your sights on big companies right away. Instead hit up your favourite Etsy supplier or local shop.
Post regularly. But don't put up inferior posts for the sake of increasing your content. Once a week is enough to keep your blog fresh in your readers' minds. And if you do take a hiatus from blogging, don't come back with an apology about your absence. When I read a new blog and every post begins with "It's been so long since I've blogged...", my interest is already lost.
2. The Golden Rule of Blogging
Any pre-schooler will tell you that the golden rule is to do unto others as you would have others do unto you. That is good advice in life. It's also good advice in blogging. Take a moment to think about your own blogging experience. What gets your heart fluttering? Thoughtful comments? Lots of page views? Your posts being shared on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest? Emails from readers sharing their own stories as they relate to yours? Then do those things! Don't do it with the hopes of others reciprocating, just do it humbly and your readership will grow organically. Plus, you will learn a thing or two along the way.
And while you are checking out other blogs, seek out blog mentors. I learned a lot from Jen over at Jen and Joey Go Green. Bloggers who have grown through their own adolescent blogging stage will usually be happy (and flattered!) if you ask them to guide you.
Also pay attention to what you don't like on other blogs while you are out there reading and commenting. One thing you will probably learn quickly is that CAPTCHA is uber annoying. Don't make your readers type in non-sensical words to prove they are not robots. I promise that you won't get so many spam comments that you can't easily delete them as they come. So seriously, turn off CAPTCHA.
3. If You Only Do One Thing Let It Be This
The first two parts of this post have, what I think, are a lot of good tips that are easy to implement. But none of them will make a damn bit of difference if you don't follow this last piece of advice. Are you ready for it? There is brilliance about to come your way!
Write from your heart.
OK, that's probably not the brilliant piece of advice you were hoping for. It's general and vague. But it's true. They say that the best way to succeed at learning a new language is to fall in love with a native speaker. Similarly, the best way to succeed at blogging is to blog about something you feel passionate about. The love I have for my son is the stuff of sonnets and love songs and declarations screamed off rooftops and the feeling that your whole heart could simply burst right out of your chest because it has grown too many sizes. It's easy for me to write about my son and my experience mothering him. I'm in love. But ask me to blog about sports, and I would spend the whole day at it and come up with something that nobody in their right mind would want to read. So, find your passion and then turn your feelings into words. This doesn't mean that you have to be mushy and sappy all the time. If you are passionate about sports, grammar, or Siamese cats, you can write fascinating and successful blog posts. I mean, I won't read any of them but somebody will!
Huh, I guess I did have a lot to say, didn't I? When Lisa asked me if I wanted to participate in this series I didn't think I'd have much to contribute. But that's the thing about us bloggers isn't it? We never know when to shut-up.
I was so honoured to be asked to participate in this series of guest posts. I love reading the "how to blog better" style posts (of which Lisa has had quite a few) and am humbled to be in such good company while adding to the conversation. My blog is still relatively new. A pre-teen on the blogging scene, if you will. It's still dealing with the occasional pimple and hormone-induced-awkwardness. But it is trying new things and finding its way. And learning a lot from its elders.
I've given this post a lot of thought. What do I want to say to help other bloggers blog better? At first I didn't think I had much to say on the topic. But with some consideration, I realized that there are three different posts I could write. And I've struggled to find a way to bring them together. A conundrum which should perhaps be its own tip (make sure your posts follow a coherent structure). But let’s just pretend that this one is a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do kinda tip, shall we? Because I'm about to combine three posts into one and hope that you are still with me when we're all done. Ready? Excellent.
1. Tips and Tricks
This part will be the most information-dense section of this post. So to make it more easily digestible I am going to write it in list form.
Be present across various forms of social media. Set up a Facebook fan page, as well as Twitter and Pinterest accounts for your blog. Share behind the scenes stuff that doesn't make it to your actual blog page. Don't just link your blog posts. Your fans want to interact with you and get to know you on a personal level. Ask question, share anecdotes, and respond to other people's tweets.
Don’t be afraid of HTML code. You don't need a degree in computer science to blog better. Blogging platforms and other bloggers have made it very simple. If you want to add a Facebook “Like” button on your page (or post) or a “follow me on Twitter” button, just Google "HTML code Twitter button" and you'll find what you are looking for. Adding a “Pin It” button here and there is smart too. And while you are at it, you might want to insert an image (or two) on your posts because images Pin better. See?
And speaking of HTML, try out various widgets. And if you don't know what a widget is, Google “widget” and then come back. Some widgets you will love and others you won't. They are easy to install and easy to delete so you aren't signing up for a lifetime commitment. My favourites include LinkWithin and ShareThis.
Find places to link your blog. There are many ways to do this. There are blog directories (many of which are ranked and rated), blog hops, link-up parties, and blog carnivals. Search these terms and look for those in your niche. Some will get you a lot of exposure and hits. Others won't. It's all trial and error.
Host giveaways. This is a tricky one. Some people love giveaways and others hate it when bloggers "sell out." But the truth is that giveaways bring in a lot of new followers. Some of those followers will stick around and engage. Others you will never hear from again. But if you get a few new followers every time, it might be worth it. Try to only give away products that you would actually want yourself. I get a lot of emails from PR companies wanting me to advertise their dating website or jock itch cream. I politely tell these folks “no thank-you.” The best giveaways are those that you can personally endorse. If you love a product, try emailing the company to see if they would be interested in offering a giveaway on your blog. If they already know that you will give them a favourable review, they will be easier to convince. Don't set your sights on big companies right away. Instead hit up your favourite Etsy supplier or local shop.
Post regularly. But don't put up inferior posts for the sake of increasing your content. Once a week is enough to keep your blog fresh in your readers' minds. And if you do take a hiatus from blogging, don't come back with an apology about your absence. When I read a new blog and every post begins with "It's been so long since I've blogged...", my interest is already lost.
2. The Golden Rule of Blogging
Any pre-schooler will tell you that the golden rule is to do unto others as you would have others do unto you. That is good advice in life. It's also good advice in blogging. Take a moment to think about your own blogging experience. What gets your heart fluttering? Thoughtful comments? Lots of page views? Your posts being shared on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest? Emails from readers sharing their own stories as they relate to yours? Then do those things! Don't do it with the hopes of others reciprocating, just do it humbly and your readership will grow organically. Plus, you will learn a thing or two along the way.
And while you are checking out other blogs, seek out blog mentors. I learned a lot from Jen over at Jen and Joey Go Green. Bloggers who have grown through their own adolescent blogging stage will usually be happy (and flattered!) if you ask them to guide you.
Also pay attention to what you don't like on other blogs while you are out there reading and commenting. One thing you will probably learn quickly is that CAPTCHA is uber annoying. Don't make your readers type in non-sensical words to prove they are not robots. I promise that you won't get so many spam comments that you can't easily delete them as they come. So seriously, turn off CAPTCHA.
3. If You Only Do One Thing Let It Be This
The first two parts of this post have, what I think, are a lot of good tips that are easy to implement. But none of them will make a damn bit of difference if you don't follow this last piece of advice. Are you ready for it? There is brilliance about to come your way!
Write from your heart.
OK, that's probably not the brilliant piece of advice you were hoping for. It's general and vague. But it's true. They say that the best way to succeed at learning a new language is to fall in love with a native speaker. Similarly, the best way to succeed at blogging is to blog about something you feel passionate about. The love I have for my son is the stuff of sonnets and love songs and declarations screamed off rooftops and the feeling that your whole heart could simply burst right out of your chest because it has grown too many sizes. It's easy for me to write about my son and my experience mothering him. I'm in love. But ask me to blog about sports, and I would spend the whole day at it and come up with something that nobody in their right mind would want to read. So, find your passion and then turn your feelings into words. This doesn't mean that you have to be mushy and sappy all the time. If you are passionate about sports, grammar, or Siamese cats, you can write fascinating and successful blog posts. I mean, I won't read any of them but somebody will!
Huh, I guess I did have a lot to say, didn't I? When Lisa asked me if I wanted to participate in this series I didn't think I'd have much to contribute. But that's the thing about us bloggers isn't it? We never know when to shut-up.
If you liked this post, please consider pinning it for Kristin!
My blog is probably only a bit older than Kristin’s, but I certainly learned a lot! My take-aways are “don't be afraid of HTML” and “blog from your heart”. Luckily, I had some HTML experience in college, but the blogging from your heart thing took me a bit longer to implement…and I’m still working at it! Thanks, Kristin, for sharing your thoughts and tips on blogging!
Also, a note on CAPTCHA. I’d suggest moderating comments if you are concerned about spam, or installing a spam filter like Askimet. Also, CAPTCHA is the worst on mobile browsers. I always need at least 3 tries to get it right. See how much I love you, CAPTCHA users.
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Originally posted at - She loves
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Originally posted at - She loves
great tips and tricks that i totally use myself! you have such amazing guest bloggers, lisa, that i am going to run out of stuff to write for my post, lol! i have to agree with kristin on blogging regularly. i notice a significant decrease in stats when i take a small break, so i try to blog as regularly as i can. giveaways are always great, but yes, i agree... i don't believe in "pimping" a product.
ReplyDeletei have to go pick up my daughter from school now, but will def. check out kristin's blog later today!
thank you both!
Blogging regularly is definitely key! Although sometimes I won't notice if a blogger just steps right back into the swing of things without making an apology.
DeleteGreat tips~ Although I'm not currently a blogger, if I ever do decide to step to the other side, I will keep what you said in mind~ Thank you~
DeleteThanks for sharing Kristin. I love your writing style. You certainly kept me entertained and I learned a few new things.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad!
DeleteWhat a great post, Kristin! Although I don't totally agree with everything on here (I've been in an anti-link-your-blog-to-the-world place for quite some time), I couldn't agree more about CAPTCHA. It's the devil and I'm quite certain it has been the cause of more than one of my comments not to post (because I click away without realizing CAPTCHA is in play)! Sigh. And I also completely agree about writing because you have something to say and writing with passion. Absolutely!
ReplyDeleteCAPTCHA is responsible for many of my grumpy moods!
DeleteThanks for stopping by and the well wishes!! Have a great day :)
ReplyDeletexo Marie
Thanks. you too.
Deletethese are some really great tips! great post!
ReplyDeleteThank-you Sandy!