Wednesday, May 23, 2012

She writes

For this last full week in May, I'm featuring 3 bloggers. Yesterday was Kristin of Mondays with Mac, who shared her tips for better blogging.

Today's guest post is by Lou (as I'll call her) of LouLouLoves. I came across LouLouLoves during a blog carnival/hop. love her blog because it’s beautifully designed, and she’s just the kind of person you’d like to hang out with on a Saturday afternoon. Read on to see what’s she’s learned about blogging, what she wants to learn, and her blogging secrets! You definitely want to stick around until the end of this post!

*Lou is a working-mom from Sweden and has a daughter nicknamed “Bubba” and one on the way. She blogs at LouLouLoves.*
Lou Lou’s World of Blogging: 1,2,3!

What I’ve learned from blogging:

1. That creative writing is very fun: One of the reasons I started my blog was to bring more creativity into my life. The writing part comes quickly to me, and I love sitting down at night to write my posts. It never seems like a chore, I look forward to it.

2. That there are a lot of creative women out there: Oh my Lordy! As a new blogger, I’ve read a lot of blogs these past months, and I am continually impressed by all the women out there that are parenting/crafting/cooking/designing and all producing really inspiring blogs!

3. That Wordpress is easy: When I was setting up my blog, I did quite a bit of research into what format I should use. In the end, I had help from my Wordpress blogging friend who showed me the ropes. I was worried it was going to be highly technical, and I wouldn’t be able to manage, but Wordpress is super easy.

What I would like to learn from blogging:

1. To learn more about blogging: I’m still very new at this, so I have heaps more to learn. Making strong connections with other bloggers all around the world is something that really inspires me and so far, I’ve had heaps of help from everyone.

2. To get more freelance writing work: I’m a bit of a cheat when it comes to writing, as I already work in that area professionally. I would like to learn a bit more about how to get more of my articles published. So far, having my blog just for 2 months has already helped, so I am happy with that.

3. To learn more about social media: I’d love to learn a lot more about social media. I’ve had a steep learning curve since coming to blog land, but I have so so much more to learn, and I’m looking forward to it.

My biggest blogging secret:

1. My aim when I started was to post at least once a week. I thought that keeping my expectations low was a good starting place! So far I have been able to post 2 or 3 times a week. I have an editorial calendar and write posts far in advance in case anything more important comes up in my life.

2. My posts are all under 1000 words. Keeping it short and adding pictures to break up the text is a must. If I have anything so important to say that it is 1000+ words, I break it into two posts. People just don’t read stuff that is too long.

3. My biggest secret is that I actually have a cleaner that comes twice a month and cleans and does our ironing. Don’t tell! That way, my weekends are for my family and I have enough time once bubba is in bed (usually 8pm) during the week nights to write and maintain my blog.
I’ve learned so much about Lou, and am especially impressed that she keeps all her posts under 1,000 words and that she can really enjoy her weekends! Thanks, Lou!

Please share your thoughts on Lou's post
in the comments below!
What's your blogging secret?

And be sure to visit LouLouLoves!

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Originally posted at - She writes


  1. i hired a cleaning lady once and it was awesome!! but i also have issues with it because i tend to tidy up before they come which defeats the purpose but i think: "omg! the house is so messy! i'm so embarassed!!" LOL

    1. Ha! A pre-clean before the big clean, stop that at once!

  2. I totally agree with keeping posts short and sweet. I used to write longer posts...but honestly nobody was reading it. And even now, I think my posts are under 250 words...I still get comments on things I've addressed IN the post! These are great tips she provided and I am going to visit her blog now :)

    1. Glad you enjoyed then... 250 words I'm impressed!

  3. Amen to keeping posts short (though, I don't think I've ever done a word count to check). And dude, the cleaning service? It's worth every penny (said as our cleaning service is making their bi-weekly visit)!!

    1. Bi-weekly, oh I've got so much to learn!

  4. So fun learning about Lou. My hubs wants us to hire a cleaner as well so that he doesn't have to do any dishes or laundry or anything like that. :)

  5. i have recently became bloggie friends with lou. yes, her blog is beautifully designed, and lou, you have a great writing style. i love learning about things on other parts of the world, and your blog is very insightful. :) my posts are typically short, too, because you're right... most people don't read, especially if it's a lot of text.

    have a great day, both!

    1. Thanks for your kind words!!!

  6. I thought that's why I got married ... so I could have a full time cleaner, and for free~ LoL .. okay ladies, don't hate me for that!! I was REALLY just joking~ We clean the house together .. I have toilet duties and she vacuums .. and we both share laundry duties .. all while our son sits there and watches~ One day I'm gonna get him to mop .. when he gets older!

    1. Oh, Henry! Glad you said you were just kidding 'cause I was 'bout to black list you ;). JK! You can have your opinions :P. Of course our kids should help with chores! I had to growing up, my J will too!

  7. Henry! I hope your wife isn't reading this otherwise you are totally busted!

  8. Love the idea of keeping it short and adding pictures. Sometimes I ramble on too much, I think! And I'm so jealous of your cleaning person. I need to talk to my hubby about this!


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