Friday, May 4, 2012


Happy Friday, everyone! Got any exciting plans? We might visit the National Aquarium -- the awesome one in Baltimore! Usually we like to be close to home so our 21-mo (J) can get his usual nap, but lately, he's only been napping an hour on the weekends, no matter how tired we try to get him, so we don't mind traveling as much.

Anyways, for the weekend I leave you with some recent snapshots of life. I post these to instragam and twitter (both names are lisacng), if you're interested in sneak peeks before I post them here :).

Jasper: We were just sitting around watching TV. All of a sudden, Jasper sits up on the couch like he's some sort of little man. Remote and beer added. I seriously laughed for an hour at this photo.

Caterpillar: J and I saw this, ok I saw this, caterpillar at the playground one day. Now, every time we visit that playground, J goes to the same log to see if the caterpillar is still there. Aren't you just amazed at kids' memory?

Dandelion: First time J held a dandelion, he was pretty stoked, and the dandelions were still yellow. This day, I could finally show him that if you blow on them, little feathers fly off. He tried to imitate, but just didn't have enough steam at the time. Oh well!

Grocery: J really wanted to push the grocery cart, but my husband and I established the "no pushing cart" rule before we entered the store. We both know what tantrums could ensue over the cart! To distract him, my husband got one of those really-difficult-to-maneuver carts. It occupied J for a bit, but I won't be bringing J to the grocery store again anytime soon. I'll just leave it at that.

Lani recommended Diptic ($0.99) to make collages, but I've been doing ok with Collage and Frametastic (both free) that have set layouts. I used to use Pic Collage (free) but that's a "free form" collage maker. I'm an engineer, so I like straight lines and rectilinear collages ;).

Have a great weekend!

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Originally posted at - Snapshots


  1. i love getting sneak peaks on instagram. there's so many awesome places you can go with the kids near baltimore. i guess i'll have to try to explore more near my area. :) have great wknd also!! hope you get to work out (i'm motivating you!!!) :D i have adam's t-ball on sat, but my in-laws are driving to visit us from jersey... so i have mucho cleaning and cooking to do.... scared, since i'm a ghetto non-domestic diva, lol!!!


  2. Okay, so the kid is adorable, but Jasper sitting up like a man is toooo stinkin' cute!

  3. That's so funny, that pic of Jasper. Great added pieces, too! Also, fun pics of J :) Happy weekend! {almost!}

  4. Don't let J near Gavin, please. G still doesn't know that it might be cool to push the cart. Instead, he likes to sit up high and help mama throw lemons in the bag! =)

  5. Your dog Jasper is super adorable. I love how he just sat up like that.

  6. Such cute photos, especially the one with the dog ;) Thanks for some suggestions for places to make collages. Have fun at the aquarium!

    Suzie Q
    Style Cue by Suzie Q

  7. J is too cute! I love how he's holding the dandelion and trying to blow it :) He is just adorable!

  8. LOL! I keep laughing at the doggie picture too. So funny! Children's memories are amazing. I love it! Thanks for the app suggestions. I will try them out.

  9. i like your picture of Jasper! so glad i discovered your fun family blog

  10. I love the Jasper couch potato pic! So cute. Picasa has some good collage options too, my favorite is the mosaic.

    Being from Hawaii, I automatically though the caterpillar was a centipede. Eek!!

  11. Hands down, the dandelion is my favorite.

  12. It is natural for toddlers to discover everything like this cute little guy. Little kids pushing a grocery cart is fun to see.


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