Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8: Parents brag-plaining

What's brag-plaining, you ask? It's when someone is speaking in a complaining tone but actually bragging at the same time. And anyone can do it, not just parents.

1. Why can’t my kids ever sleep until 8AM? 
I would always complain that J only slept until 5:30am or 6:00am, but then I read what Wired Momma wrote, and I felt bad -- there are kids out there that only sleep until 4:30am!? And I'm talking about after a kid is sleeping through the night, like mine at 10 months, not sleeping until 6:00am at 6 months or anything.

The next two aren't really brag-plaining, but still annoying to hear ;).

7. I’d like to think my attentive parenting is the reason Annie never throws a tantrum.
Oh, I'm certainly attentive. At 17 months, I know what sets J off into a tantrum -- don't touch that, don't play with that, don't go there, don't don't don't. You'd be annoyed too, right? If your kid doesn't throw a tantrum, congrats because he/she is just pushing it off until he/she's older *wink*. Psych. I don't know.

8. Little Sarah is just so advanced. Of course, we read to her every night, play puzzles and never let her watch TV.
Sometimes I buy into the whole "TV is bad for kids after 2" research. Sometimes I remember back to my childhood and how much TV I used to watch -- I turned out fine. So I'm going to try not to feel guilty if I let J watch Sesame Street for a few minutes, or if he wants to YouTube his favorite songs again. You should see the size of the smile that comes on his face when we watch Hot Potato or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. You should also see the tantrum/tears that start when we have to pull him away from it!

Alright, so maybe I'm a bit cynical. You can't stop parents from bragging about their kids! I do it. I know!

But sometimes the awesome Facebook posts and the I-love-being-a-new-mom posts in the blogosphere are just reminders of how surprisingly extreme parenting has been for me -- high highs and low lows. Though one wise parent pointed out to me that bragging about the positives of parenting is good for the survival of the species. Imagine if all we ever heard were complaints, we'd certainly stop procreating! I know I was duped *wink* -- nah, just kidding, I wouldn't trade being mom to J for the world!

Though please stop me if I ever start brag-plaining or bragging too much! I'm trying to keep a real picture of parenting here!

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  1. Haha, good term! I know what you mean about brag-plaining parents on FB. It can be over-the-top sometimes! And you're right, it's not just amongst parents. I once had a friend brag-plain that she wished should could be a Democrat, but she and her husband "just make too much money to vote Democrat." Seriously, who says that?!

  2. Some people need to learn to filter what comes out of their mouths ;)


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