Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14: Why I'm no longer concerned about milestons

Before every one of my son's wellness checkups, I'd read the relevant chapter in What to Expect making sure that at least he was reaching the "should" milestone and maybe even reaching the "maybe" milestone. He was always behind. Future J, thank goodness you haven't let this define you!
Rolling over at 3 months. Nope.
Playing peekaboo at 6 months. Nope.
Crawling at 6 months. Nope.
Talking at 6 months. Nope.
Walking at 12 months. Nope.
Since I don't have my book with me at all times, I used this list of milestones.

I went OCD trying to help my son rollover when the doc sounded concerned at his 6-month checkup. Every chance we got, he was on his tummy. He still didn't rollover until he was close to 9 months -- when his body told him it was time. No biggie, right? It's not like he wasn't sitting up or anything by then.

Next milestone I fretted over - walking. Everyone in my son's daycare class was walking by the time we started going. Don't get me wrong, he was a very good and fast crawler. He also had his own three-legged gangsta crawl. At his 12-month check up, the doc wasn't too concerned about him not walking, but at 15-months, he gave us the number to Infants and Toddlers.

I wasn't going to call except that the teacher at daycare told me a sad story. She said that when all the kids are running to the door to go outside and play, J's crawling behind them, protesting, because he doesn't want to be left behind. *Cue tears*

I called Infants and Toddlers and a few weeks later, my son was toddling around. Ironic, no?

These days, my son wants to walk everywhere...and on his hand-holding. He also likes to run sometimes!

So hopefully I've learned my lesson and will stop comparing my son's development to what's considered "normal". He'll do what he wants to do when he can/wants to do it. Gosh, I hope I can remember this because the next big thing is going to be potty-training!!!!!!

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  1. I worried too about my first child, but I've come to realize that they will do it when they're ready, and not a minute sooner!

    1. Exactly! My OCD with the tummy time didn't help him crawl any faster! It's just a lesson first time moms gotta learn I guess

  2. Doctors don't know EVERYTHING. Listen to your heart. YOU will know if something is wrong. Your the mom and what you think matters more than what a doctor says.

  3. Good for you! Sometimes we just need to trust them to move at their own pace.

  4. Lisa, dont worry. I remembered I had a nightmare of potty training, we keep forcing my boy to use potty, and he just dont wee wee whole day ! Later we give up, but after he toto school at K1, he is ready and he did it easily without any tears! So just take it easy abd relax, they can do it when they rewdy. EVA (ALAN'S friend)

    1. Hi Eva!! Yea, it's good advice not to worry because it doesn't make the situation easier or go faster right? THANKS!


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