Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 19: You should know, you're a biologist recently posted 9 most unintentionally confusing things mom say to their kids, and it reminded of silly things I say to the hubby. For instance,
You should know, you're a biologist.
Or some derivative of that.

My most recent use was when were giving our son, J, amoxicillin for a sinus infection. We were using a syringe to give it to him. I was in the habit of first pouring the amoxicillin into one of those little plastic measuring cups they give you with cough syrup. I would then fill the syringe from the cup.


Well, one time J spit out a good amount of amoxicillin (imagine that). I needed about a 1/2 mL more, so I asked the hubby to get me some. He proceeded to stick the syringe that had already been in J's mouth into the bottle of amoxicillin! Of course I yelled,
You're putting the contaminated syringe into sterile bottle of amoxicillin? What are you doing? You should know better, you're a biologist! Would you contaminate your samples at work like that?
The hubby chuckled because he and his coworkers were just joking about that their spouses use the "you're a biologist" excuse all the time. Hey, in this case, I was justified. Anyone else with me?

Sometimes, I'm not justified. I admit it. Like when I ask about a physical ailment or why the body does such and such. His response is always,
I'm a biologist, not a doctor!
Ugh, there's a difference? Hehehe...

By the way, I think those little plastic measuring cups are inaccurate because 1 tsp (5 mL) in the cup was about 0.75 4.75 mL (thanks for catching that Talking Thirty!) in the syringe. I tend to believe the syringe more because I remember that we should measure our liquids in pipets/graduated cylinders rather than beakers. Anyone else remember this?

Good ol' meniscus [Source:]

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  1. LOL I love that your featured image is of a meniscus. Gotta love nerdy parents (and I mean that as a compliment, of course). ;)I think you're right about the plastic cups being inaccurate, but how could it possibly be THAT off?

    1. No offense at all. We are nerdy!
      Whoops! I was wrong. I mean 1mL is 0.75mL in syringe. Better correct that!

  2. That phenomenon, as a biologist, can explain why. ^_^

    The reason that you are seeing 0.25mL less in the syringe is because you lost it in what we called "residue volume" (The volume that's stuck between the 0 mark to the tip of the syringe)

    So actually the measure cup is correct.

    That also mean if you draw 5mL with the syringe and dispense it you'll lose about 0.25mL to the tip from the original volume.


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