Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Around 16 months, our son's vocabulary seemed to skyrocket. These days, we're just so surprised by what he knows and can say too! Here are some our son's toddlerisms...

Bye bye no: This is what J says when he wants you to go away. Right. Now.

Taken with phone

Idunno: It's funny when he points to things on the page and says this.
Again and again.

Canon T1i | 50mm | ISO 200 | f/3.2 | 1/200 sec | SpeedLite 380EX

'raffe: Short for giraffe. He can also repeat the months of the year --
but only one-syllable months, hehe.

Canon T1i | 50mm | ISO 200 | f/1.8 | 1/125 sec

La la la: He says it to request Elmo's song.
He says "tick tock" for Hickory Dickory Dock.

Oh no!: This means "elephant". Seems that after watching the Hickory Dickory Dock video above, he's always concerned about the falling elephant.
Oh, the mind of a toddler!

What are some toddler/kid-isms in your house? 
Or that you've heard elsewhere?

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Originally posted at - Toddlerisms


  1. kayla is all kinds of hilarious; many times she impresses the hell out of me through what she says and this kid is only 3. the other day we were talking about teeth and i was trying to find an easier word for "permanent" so after flubbing around saying random words in place of permanent, she looks me dead in the eye and with a serious face, she says "do you mean 'permanent' mommy?" LOL i got schooled by my 3 year old.

  2. I actually cant wait until our daughter can talk, right now at 13 months she'll blabbling and singing..i think it's singing lol

    Kaylee loves her im elmo and i know it :D

  3. Love the Idunno photo. Obviously not only is he saying the words, but he also gets the meaning. Too cute.

  4. Haha, sooo cute! I love reading about J is up to - reminds me of my son at that age and what I have to look forward to with my daughter :)

    My favorites revolve around his interactions with E when she cries. If he's in a good mood, he'll say "What's wrong mui mui (baby sis in Cantonese)? It's ok" while patting her hand.

    If he's in a bad mood, he'll say "Sou sang mui mui (be quiet in Cantonese)" That's when I hold in my laughter and lightly admonish him.

  5. My favorite toddlerism was from my oldest N when he was around 2. He would walk up to you and say "hold to me" which would mean he wanted you to pick him up and cuddle. Still melts my heart.

  6. Ack - error - redoing my comment.

    Haha, sooo cute! I love reading about what J is up to - reminds me of my son at that age and what I have to look forward to with my daughter :)

    My favorites revolve around his interactions with E when she cries. If he's in a good mood, he'll say "What's wrong mui mui (baby sis in Cantonese)? It's ok" while patting her hand.

    If he's in a bad mood, he'll say "Sou sang mui mui (be quiet in Cantonese)" That's when I hold in my laughter and lightly admonish him.

  7. Just wait until these little words turn into funny combinations of words when they're 3 and 4! Gavin cracks me up when he's gives me the sign language for "all done" and I ask him if he's all done and then he shakes his head no and eats more food. Already trying to manipulate his mama! ha!!

  8. he has some cute vocabs at this age! i remember alex was talking up a storm by the age two.... but only i could understand what she was saying. adam was a later talker...

    btw, i need to get a 50mm lens! love the amazing bokeh it creates....

    enjoy your thursday my dear!


  9. Imma gonna totally try bye bye no at the office :-)

  10. Love the hand gestures and "I dunno" how cute!


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