Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I'm so glad that my parents took a lot of photographs when we were growing up (see some here). I love to recall all the fun memories! They may not be "professional" but they certainly capture priceless moments.

I hope that when our 20-mo (J) grows up and sees the thousands of pictures we took of him, he will also have fun memories. Hopefully he won't remember Mommy with a camera in front of her all the time or, as the hubby puts it, remember Mommy as the paparazzi.

Lately, I've been relying on my SpeedLite 380EX when shooting indoors. My photos seem sharper, since the flash freezes the action. However, since I can't adjust the intensity of my flash, photos have too much flash or harsh shadows. Thus, on weekends, I try taking more portraits using natural light. Check out some amazing photos using natural light here toward the middle/bottom of this post.

By the window
Canon T1i | Manual | ISO 800 | f/3.5 | 1/200 sec

For the photo above, some suggestions on Flickr were to see how this would look monochrome, tone down the dark on the right, bring up the highlights on the left, and take the red out of J's left ear. What do think of my tweaks shown below?

By the window (modified)

By the window (monochrome)

The photos below were taken another morning, with the light behind J.

In thought
What are kids thinking?
Canon T1i | Manual | 50mm | ISO 800 | f/3.5 | 1/320 sec

He's seen me!
Canon T1i | Manual | 50mm | ISO 800 | f/3.5 | 1/320 sec

I see you!
Joke's on me. I thought I was watching him, but he was actually waiting for the right moment to strike!
Ugh that his lips are a bit purplish!
Canon T1i | Manual | 50mm | ISO 800 | f/3.5 | 1/320 sec

I think the photo above would have been great if there were catch lights (even small ones) in J's eyes. I could have used my SpeedLite, I suppose, to achieve that. Also, the shadow down the center of his face seems a bit distracting compared to the brightness at the sides of his face. Also the window frame down the middle of his head is also distracting. Nevertheless, I was lucky to capture such a fun expression.

Lastly, I leave you with a black and white portrait taken by the same window. This time, J's face is 3/4 turned toward the window. There's a glimmer in his eye because I used the SpeedLite as "fill light" and bounced the flash off the window to the left.

Again, what are kids thinking?
Canon T1i | Manual | 50mm | ISO 200 | f/3.2 | 1/250 sec | SpeedLite 380EX

Comments and/or critiques are always welcome on my photos!

What do you think kids are thinking sometimes?

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Originally posted at expandng.com - Portraits


  1. OH MY GOSH! These are just too precious! "He's seen me!" and "Joke's on me!" (I know these aren't the official names of the photos, but whateves) are priceless. Can you please start your own pee-wee photography business on the side?! You'd be SO good at it!

  2. i LOVE his (little j) striking moment! so adorable, and i really love the first photo of the the top three because of the way some light is hitting on j's face. you certainly make it look professional!

    btw, just saw some of your kiddie photos... you and your sis are just too cute! :)

  3. Oh, the twinkle in his eye of plotting, that is my favorite :)

  4. Great links to some photography sites. I'll have to check them out. And Mr. J is such a cutie - he's going to love having all these photos when he grows up.

  5. You did a great job! I absolutely love the curtain shots. You made LOL!

  6. You did a great job Lisa! I just received my 50mm lens last night so I am looking forward to trying the settings you've provided us and taking some practice shots before my Mom gets here on Friday. Yes...another round of 15 outfits to be photographed within 2 days!

  7. He's seen me! Loved it!

  8. HAHA. I love the photo where he spots you in between the curtains. Too cute!

    I wish I could help you out on the lighting situation, but I'm not good at photography.

  9. I love these natural light portraits! I don't have any pictures growing up (it is a really long story why), any old photos you see of me have been borrowed from friends.


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