Saturday, April 21, 2012

A quick "thanks" and "wow"!

I wanted to write a quick "thanks" to everyone to left a comment telling me how they get their toddler to sit and eat during mealtimes. I will certainly try many of them, always remembering that every child and every day is different of course!

I also wanted to say "wow" because I feel so blessed to have a wonderful community of readers that show me "it" can be done. And by "it", I mean the entire spectrum of mommy duties. You all give me such encouragement and reassurance when I need it most. I smile at each and every comment!

So, thanks and wow!

Here's a summary of the tips left on the post about the challenges on getting our toddler to eat. Hope you find them helpful too:
  • Try to keep mealtimes around the same times everyday since toddlers love routine (Kat from Vodka and Soda & Mandi from Sweet Tiny Blessings)
  • It's ok if the toddler doesn't sit in a high chair/booster seat (Karate Mom & Nilsa from SoMiSpeaks)
  • Sitting at the table until everyone's done (Kat from Vodka and Soda & Karate Mom)
  • Toddlers can consume their nutrients over a period of days, so it's ok if a "square meal" isn't consumed at each sitting (Pam from It's Time for More Coffee and Nilsa from SoMiSpeaks)
  • You're right, J won't starve (LouLou from loulouloves) and he'll eat when he's hungry (Laura from World of Laura B)
  • Letting your toddler feel independent -- choose his spoon, feeding himself (SewPetiteGal)
  • Trial and error, trial and error (Lucy from Lucy's Reality)
Thanks yall, for reals.
Sorry if I missed your comment. I scheduled this post last night at 11:30pm.
Show some love. Leave a comment below and I'll definitely respond!
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Originally posted at - A quick "thanks" and "wow"!


  1. you're welcome :)

    remember: it's all trial and error. at one point, we've all been there - stumbling around trying to figure things out while trying to keep your sanity! just remember that every kid is different and parenting styles differ so you take whatever advice suits your style and apply; the rest is just noise and can be taken with a grain of salt :)

  2. Aw! Thanks for including me in your blog post! You always know how to make your readers feel special.

  3. The other bloggers gave such great,specific advice mine was kind of sad but was meant with a lot of love, I just didn't want you to feel overwhelmed :)

  4. Great advice. I have to write these down for the day I have a little one. I've always thought Kat was filled with great advice. I just love her! I'm glad that you guys are becoming friends, makes me feel so happy inside.

  5. The nutrition according to the week and not necessarily day was huge for me ... a huge relief! By the grace of God, I have a healthy child, and I'm not as stressed!

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  8. Sometimes when my toddler gets tired of eating her meal, for example if it's something savory, I'll start giving her a little fruit to change up her meal. Like last night I made a butternut squash mac n' cheese casserole for her. She started getting tired of it after 5 minutes, so I cut up some apples for her. She switched to eating fruit, then went back to the mac n' cheese. She still ate more casserole than I though she would, then let me know she was done by throwing it on the floor :) I also really need to follow the advice of not giving her any water or juice until she has consumed much of her meal. Then she thinks it's play time and doesn't eat anymore. Regardless, thanks for the great advice!

    1. @SweetPeasMom, sorry you didn't leave an email address, so hopefully you see my response here! Great idea to change it up. Worked for you! And don't thank me for the advice, thank all the readers and experienced moms who left it. TKS!

  9. Isn't the Internet an amazing place? Related to toddler eating, we got you to come off the edge of the cliff - hell yeah!!! =)


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