My sister (real-estate-agent-extraordinaire) went to the trouble of finding my "kids" wishlist on Amazon and got J....
By Milliwik
$10.95 per set
By the power of adhesion, these cards stick to the bathroom wall and tube when wet. J isn't old enough to read but he sure loves to put these up and take them down! When he's old enough, he'll be able to create his own animal names, like penphant above. How about a liger (Napoleon Dynamite's favorite)?
What my A-type personality loves most about these cards is that all the drawings line up. The drawing of the left half of that penguin above will line up perfectly with the right half of the elephant. I tried it all different cards and they match every time. I appreciate the company's attention to detail.
Other variations available are:
- SplashJack (slap jack for the tub $12.95)
- SplashJack Royal (slap jack for the tub but with traditional card faces -- I actually thought it was poker! That wouldn't be kid-appropriate $12.95)
- SumBodies (make your own characters $10.95)
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