Well, J's first love, after Mommy, Daddy, and Milk, of course…
During the parent-teacher conference at J's daycare, Ms. R told us the cutest story about J and his object-of-affection, M.
Of all the girls in his class, M is the only one that allows J to come near her. He loves to gently stroke her beautiful blond hair. They give each other hugs and kisses. He knows which is her cubby. He takes her fleece jacket out everyday to lie on it. When she leaves, he screams, "MmmmmmmMMMmmm" and is very upset. I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous!
This weekend, we met a little girl who also had blonde hair. He kept following substitute-M around. When he finally got close enough, he reached and put his chubby arms around her for a hug. She immediately put out her arms to block him and made a P-U face -- first rejection. It's ok. J bounced back.
*Sigh* Our little guy is growing up so fast!
When did your son/daughter start showing affection for a non-family member?
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