Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First official OB appointment

Up to now, I've only had "GYNO" appointments. Today was my first official "OB" appointment. Alan joined me this time. We both got to hear the heartbeat! A whopping 170 bpm - how amazing!!!

Doc told us several things. Let's see if I can remember all of the information!
  • Pap smear was normal. This means that the cervical wart might not be a cervical wart afterall. She'll wait until I'm into my 2nd trimester to look at it under a microscope. I'll see her again in 4 weeks for this.
  • Blood work came back normal. So no anemia. No hepatitis.
  • Cystic fibrosis screening also came back negative.
  • I am indeed 9 weeks, 6 days along. My due date is July 29, 2010.
  • The mild food poisoning I got a few weeks ago did not affect the baby. It would have if I had a persistent and high fever and became dehydrated. But, I had no fever and made sure to keep drinking water.
  • No studies have shown the effectiveness of taking special prenatal vitamins. As long as I am getting the right amount of iron, calcium, and folic acid, I don't need to buy relatively expensive prenatal vitamins. Yay!
Doc presented us with two options for genetic diagnostics and two options for genetic screening. The diagnostics include amniocentesis, or amnio for short, and chorionic villus sampling, or CVS for short.

Some information about amniocentesis and CVS:
  • Amnio performed between 14 and 20 weeks; CVS between 10 and 13 weeks.
  • Amnio performed by sticking what I can only imagine is a HUGE needle into my uterus to extract amniotic fluid. CVS sticks that needle into the placenta instead. CVS collects larger samples and provides faster results than amnio.
  • Amnio tests for chromosome abnormalities, neural tube defects, and genetic disorders. Down syndrome, or Trisomy 21, is the most common chromosome abnormality. Genetic disorders include disorders like cystic fibrosis. The most common neural tube defect is spina bifida. CVS tests for these except neural tube defects.
  • Both tests are highly accurate.
  • There is a risk of miscarriage though. For amnio, anywhere between 1 in 400 to 1 in 200. And for CVS, 1 in 100. Those are some scary high risks, I think. Doc doesn't recommend these tests since I am not over the age of 35. She says that my risk of complications from the procedure is actually greater than my chances of having a chromosome abnormality. What do you think?
For genetic screening, there is the 1st trimester and 2nd trimester screening. These procedures are non-invasive, so pose no risk to the pregnancy.
  • First trimester screening
    • Combines blood work with an ultrasound for evaluation of the fetus to identify risk for specific chromosomal abnormalities, including Down’s Syndrome Trisomy-21 and Trisomy-18. It does not detect neural tube defects. 
    • The New England Journal of Medicine reported that the 1st trimester test is the most accurate, non-invasive screening method. 
    • Accuracy is compromised, compared with that of amnio and CVS. Both false positives (5%) and false negatives are possible.
  • Second trimester screening:
I think I'm most comfortable with getting the first trimester screening. Then, if any red flags go up, then continue with the invasive amnio and CVS testing. What do you think?

      Tuesday, December 29, 2009


      My first craving came two days ago, Sunday. I was out eating lunch with A, N, and Ab. We were at Eastern Dragon, which is a typical American style Chinese-Japanese restaurant. Alan ordered spicy tuna roll. N ordered spicy salmon roll. And Ab ordered two perfect slivers of salmon sashimi. Just getting a whiff of Alan's spicy tuna roll made me salivate. Not to mention the thought of tasting that buttery salmon. I thought I would miss coffee the most, but I was mistaken. Sashimi is at the top of the "as soon as the doctor says I'm ok to eat it, I WILL" list. What did I have to eat that day, you ask? I had a california roll and a shrimp avocado roll. So disappointing :-(.

      Monday, December 28, 2009

      Week 10 - prune


      Our baby is now 1.5"! He/She is developing knees and ankles, and is already flexes his/her arms (elbows already in place). His/her teeth are forming underneath the gums but won't make their appearance until he/she is 6 months old (out of the womb).

      Mommy needed a new pair of pants. I found a nice pair at A Pea in the Pod. The thing about maternity jeans is that there is no fly or button closure, so they're just like denim elastic pants. Good for an expanding tummy. Not so good because I keep having to pull them up! Oh well...I think I'll browse online for a second pair of jeans (and maybe dress pants too) so I don't have to wear the same pair over and over.

      Tuesday, December 22, 2009

      Week 9 - green olive fetus

      Just like Heidi read, our little embryo has graduated to fetus status this week! Do your hear the processional music? Little Baby Ng (as we'll call him/her for now) is about 1" long now. Before long, his/her little heartbeat can be heard on an ultrasound!

      Today, Alan and I are going to Target to pick up more Christmas gifts. I'll also browse the maternity section. I looked at the website last night. Can someone tell me why all of these women's legs look short and stout? So you're pregnant and suddenly you can't still look tall and lean? The jeans section looks better. I'm interested to see how these "hidden panels" on maternity pants work.

      Thursday, December 17, 2009

      Ultrasound today

      Most of the time when see pregnant women on TV getting an ultrasound, it's in the doctor's office with the OB. And of course you get to see the baby. NOT SO IN REAL LIFE. What they don't tell you is that (1) you usually go to a technician at a hospital (or outpatient center, as was my case today...I really like Grand View, by the way...staff nice and buildings clean); (2) you have to have a full bladder in order to see the uterus and ovaries in an ultrasound (and boy, did I have to go before and during the ultrasound!); and (3) there might be a second part to the visit, which includes, shall I say, a more invasive procedure to see inside the uterus.

      So, from the ultrasound, all I could see was my very full bladder on top of my uterus. No wonder pregnant women have to go to the bathroom all the time. Their enlarging uterus keeps pushing up on the bladder! No baby in this shot...too small to see, I suppose.

      But when I emptied my bladder (thank goodness) and the second procedure started....WOW! What a sight! An actual baby developing inside me! You could see his/hear head and limbs, and his/her little heart fluttering (about 150 beats per minute).

      The first picture is a front view of the baby. As soon as Alan saw this, he said, "Looks just like me!". I said, "Why, because he/she has a big head?" Heheheee. Remember the scale. He/She is the size of a raspberry. You can also see his/her little arms. The legs are bent up toward the chest. Alan thinks the second view is from the back. I think its from the side. Doesn't really matter because they're both the same beautiful baby. Now, I just have to wait to see what the Doc says about the size of my uterus -- if I'm really 7 weeks or exciting!

      In other news, both A and I are finally over the stomach flu! And I lost a few pounds during the last few days. Great if I weren't pregnant. Well, at least I have an excuse to pack on extra pounds these next few days!

      Wednesday, December 16, 2009

      GYN appointment today

      So a few surprises during today's annual exam with my new GYNO (who is very nice and explains everything to me). First, I have an inverted uterus (I can't believe it has its own domain), which no other GYNO has told me before...sheesh. What does that mean? It means that it was difficult for the Doc to determine the actual size of my uterus, and thus, pinpoint the due date. Anyways, an inverted uterus shouldn't complicate the pregnancy or childbirth. The Doc ordered an early ultrasound just to check the size of my uterus. My appointment is tomorrow morning.

      Second, I have cervical warts (sorry if that's gross). I have never had an abnormal Pap smear, so the Doc suspects that an increase in hormones during pregnancy is to blame. Even if the Pap smear comes back normal, the Doc still wants to perform a colposcopy in two weeks.

      So back in the office in two weeks for the colposcopy, to review my ultrasound, and OB panel of blood & urine tests. It will also be my first official OB appointment, and Alan will be there. If everything would have been normal today, the Doc wouldn't have seen my until 4 weeks later.

      12-hr stomach ache

      A and I were joking two days ago that he was having more symptoms of pregnancy than I was - headaches, nausea, fatigue - but it was no joking matter when he started getting chills, having abdominal pain, and becoming nauseous. Thankfully after a good night's sleep and a day off of work, Ais back to about 80%. He thinks it was mild food poisoning, and I think it was the stomach flu - which can last from 1 to 10 days. We thought we were in the clear, when around noon yesterday, I started having similar symptoms. First abdominal pain and then nausea and fatigue. Sure makes me thankful that I don't experience these on a daily basis! Anyways, this morning, I am back to about 90% and A about 85%. We are eating light and drinking lots of water. The greatest danger to the baby is that we both become dehydrated, so I'm drinking it up :-).

      GYNO appointment today. My close friend said that 8 weeks is about right for the first prenatal exam. I'm in my 7th week now, so hopefully the OB will me next week.

      Monday, December 14, 2009

      Week 7 - raspberry

      Got a new pregnancy book from Helen (thanks!). Apparently, 25% of women DO NOT experience morning sickness. Thank goodness I'm in that 25%. Apparently, so was my mom (yay!). Another hormonal change that hasn't affected me (yet) is adult acne -- whew! The frequent trips to the bathroom are annoying enough!

      This week, the baby is the size of a raspberry (0.5 in). I had raspberries today for breakfast. They're pretty big! The baby's heart is beating at 150 beats per minute, and even making little movements -- though I definitely won't feel those.

      Thursday, December 10, 2009

      It's official

      Today, I dug out my "fat pants". The circumference of my waist is getting bigger, though still not noticeable to the point that people would suspect anything. I am NOT looking forward to having to buy new clothes that I will only wear a few times in my life. I hope consignment shops have good maternity clothes!

      Monday, December 7, 2009


      For a better pregnancy, smoother delivery, and faster recovery, I have read many sources that recommend exercising everyday. Whether that is just stretching, walking, lifting a few weights, or anything else that doesn't leave me exhausted. And it's funny because shouldn't we ALL do this for our general health? Yet, before I was pregnant, I didn't get too down on myself for not exercising everyday (heck, 3 times a week was the most I'd go back then). But now that I'm pregnant, I feel I'm letting my baby and myself down if I'm not exercising everyday! It's so silly because no one can be perfect, and unless you love to workout, who wants to go to the gym everyday?

      Friday, December 4, 2009

      7 weeks

      I am showing no tell-tale signs of pregnancy. I have experienced only the mildest cases of nausea (or none at all) and have the same or only slightly less energy than before. The only thing that has really changed is my tendency to get very warm -- to the point of sweating even during these cold days -- whenever I move around a lot. Even just walking to my office from the train station, I develop a slight glow. Case in point, I am wearing short sleeves today and am comfortable inside, when normally, I'd be chilly. Don't worry, I still bundle up with coat, hat, scarf, and gloves when necessary outside :-).

      I guess I'm blessed with a good balance of hormones, or it just comes with being young and pregnant (not that 28 -- going on 29 soon! -- is young compared to my mom who had me at 20). Though Nina did mention over Thanksgiving dinner, after Alan and I announced the news, that I was looking more "stacked" than normal (sorry if that is TMI for you men reading this).

      I am making gingerbread men this weekend. Hope they turn out good and I can share a bunch during our Christmas celebrations together.

      Thursday, December 3, 2009

      Sweet pea

      Nearing the end of Week 6, this is what Baby Ng looks like: (from

      "The folds of tissue in the prominent bump on top (the head) are developing into your baby's jaws, cheeks, and chin. And are those little indentations on both sides of the head the adorable dimples you always hoped your baby would inherit from your mom's side of the family?  No, they're ear canals in the making. Small bumps on the face will form the eyes and button nose in a few weeks time. Also taking shape this week: your baby's kidneys, liver, and lungs."

      Baby Ng is the size of a sweet pea (1/5th to 1/4 of an inch).

      My sleep is being interrupted by having to go to the bathroom half hour before the alarm goes off. Now isn't that the most irritating??? But I should be thankful considering some women go several times during the night, and I only go once in the morning, when I should be getting up anyways ;-).

      Tuesday, December 1, 2009

      OB/GYN visit

      I called my OB/GYN yesterday while at school. Since my office-mate was in, I had to sneak out into the hallway to take the call. I hope no one heard -- it is a rather echo-ey hallway and I spoke softly. My original appointment was scheduled for Wed, Dec. 16th as an annual exam. I asked the receptionist if I should see them earlier, and she said that isn't necessary. Most likely, as it is with all offices that staff female OB/GYNs, they don't have any earlier appointments. My last OB/GYN was also female. She was at UPenn Medical. I once called in July for an appointment and didn't get one until September!

      Anyways, I will schedule my first prenatal exam after my visit on Dec. 16th. They better have an opening soon after! In the meantime, I'll keep eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and taking it easy. By the way, thanks Mom & Dad for the use of the Explorer. Since A has officially started his full time 6:30am shift, the freedom of sleeping in later and take a later train to work (when necessary) is such a luxury!

      In other news, Coco's hair was so matted that the groomer had to shave her again :-(. She's so cold!