Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ultrasound today

Most of the time when see pregnant women on TV getting an ultrasound, it's in the doctor's office with the OB. And of course you get to see the baby. NOT SO IN REAL LIFE. What they don't tell you is that (1) you usually go to a technician at a hospital (or outpatient center, as was my case today...I really like Grand View, by the way...staff nice and buildings clean); (2) you have to have a full bladder in order to see the uterus and ovaries in an ultrasound (and boy, did I have to go before and during the ultrasound!); and (3) there might be a second part to the visit, which includes, shall I say, a more invasive procedure to see inside the uterus.

So, from the ultrasound, all I could see was my very full bladder on top of my uterus. No wonder pregnant women have to go to the bathroom all the time. Their enlarging uterus keeps pushing up on the bladder! No baby in this shot...too small to see, I suppose.

But when I emptied my bladder (thank goodness) and the second procedure started....WOW! What a sight! An actual baby developing inside me! You could see his/hear head and limbs, and his/her little heart fluttering (about 150 beats per minute).

The first picture is a front view of the baby. As soon as Alan saw this, he said, "Looks just like me!". I said, "Why, because he/she has a big head?" Heheheee. Remember the scale. He/She is the size of a raspberry. You can also see his/her little arms. The legs are bent up toward the chest. Alan thinks the second view is from the back. I think its from the side. Doesn't really matter because they're both the same beautiful baby. Now, I just have to wait to see what the Doc says about the size of my uterus -- if I'm really 7 weeks or exciting!

In other news, both A and I are finally over the stomach flu! And I lost a few pounds during the last few days. Great if I weren't pregnant. Well, at least I have an excuse to pack on extra pounds these next few days!

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