Sunday, May 13, 2012

Simple Sunday

Welcome to Simple Sunday where I link up with Rebecca from Simple as That. But before I get to my photo, I'd like to wish all Mommies and Soon-to-Be-Mommies a…

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm sure the precious ones in your lives have already told/shown you how awesome and special and appreciated you are, but I'll just say it again.

You're awesome!
You're special!
You're truly appreciated!

Hope you are spending the day just as you would like :).

I present our dogs, Jasper (left, 8 months, male) and Coco (right, 3 years, female). After a haircut, I can hardly tell them apart if they're just passing by. They're both Bichons but not related. Their personalities also couldn't be more different.

Canon T1i | Manual | 50mm | ISO 200 | f/3.5 | 1/200 sec | SpeedLite 380EX

Photo note: Usually when using the SpeedLite, I shoot at ISO 100 (lowest on my camera). But since this photo was taken in the evening, I decided to turn it up to ISO 200.

Jasper is FULL of energy! He's like our 21-mo (J) on caffeine. Jasper literally runs in place on the hardwood floor when he's trying to run somewhere. All you hear is the scratching of his nails. Shhh...don't tell our landlord ;). We'll buff it out later.

Coco, on the other hand, will play rough with Jasper for a bit (play-growl included) and then jumps on the couch to get away from Jasper. They have a love-hate relationship, much like the relationship I have with Jasper too ;).

That said, they hardly share a space, so I was so happy to catch this moment on the landing. Initially, they each had a bone and were chewing away. But then Jasper thought, "Can I try some of yours, Coco?"

Puppy, you're just asking for it now ;).

Don't you wish you had a dog's life, sometimes? Just enjoying bones and playing all day...

Hope you'll link up with Rebecca from Simple as That!!!! You don't need a fancy camera or editing software, just snap something simple and link up :).

Hope you're going to have a Happy Mother's Day!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

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Originally posted at - Simple Sunday


  1. I didn't realize you had 2 dogs! They are so cute. My friend had a dog similar to these growing up. Brings back great memories! Happy Mother's Day Lisa!!!

  2. Happy Mother's Day!! Hope you had a wonderfully pampered day filled with good eats and fun times :)

  3. happy mother's day!! and omg those dogs are sooo cute!!

  4. hope you had a nice mom's day, l! what a treat-i get to see a photo of coco. :) yes, sometimes i wish i had a dog's life. jasper and coco both really look identical in the photo. :)

    have a great day!!

  5. Thank you so much, Lisa, for your kind words on my blog.

    I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

    I'll be following you as well. ;)

  6. Hope you had a great Mother's Day. Cute dogs, even if they do love wooden things!

  7. aw super cute doggies!!! i hope you had a wonderful M day girl!!!!

  8. Hope you had a delightful Mother's Day! What a cute picture!!


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