Warning: the following material may only be suitable to parents and adults who are used to be around pee and poo.
Just as parents (successfully or unsuccessfully) learn to tell when their infant is tired, hungry, and/or sleepy, they can be "trained" to tell when their infant needs to eliminate, i.e., pee and poo. That's why infant potty training has also been referred to as Elimination Communication (EC). The most striking thing that PowerLaunch wrote was that when we "let" infants eliminate into diapers, we are essentially training them to use diapers. Apparently human infants and my puppy are the only creatures that don't mind eliminating on themselves. HUH! Two to three years later, we then have to train toddlers out of their diapers!
The video that Jenni posts is several clips of their infant being held over the potty doing his business. No more blow-outs (gosh, those were gross, and I find Luvs commercials offensive). No nasty clothes. Not even wet diapers, as the video shows. She seriously can tell when her infant has to go and get there before he does! Watch her make a beeline for the restroom at Panera in the video.
According to ECers, the average age that a EC-trained baby goes diaper-free is less than a year. Compare that to the average U.S. toddler being 3 years when potty trained.
Can you even imagine your 1-yr old not wearing a diaper?!
Of course, EC takes time and dedication. Probably best for SAHM (stay at home moms) since I don't know a lot of daycares supporting EC.
But, can you even imagine your 1-yr old not wearing a diaper?!
The same day I read this, Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures (a funny parenting blog!) was giving away an EC package that included a book, video, and private chat with the founder (?) (giveaway now closed, sorry!). What are the chances?
EC has my mind turning a thousand ways. Traditionally, "they" say that a toddler is ready for potty training when he can recognize that he is going/has to go and that he is uncomfortable in his diaper (HUH! to the last one). There are training potties, training pants (which I read not to use during the day, just go straight to underwear), reward charts, books, etc. There are different methods: bootcamp weekend, bottomless (just let them go on the floor? barbaric?), etc. But what if we didn't have to do all that? I wonder what's easier -- EC or traditional potty training?
Have you heard about EC before?
What are your thoughts on EC?
Weigh in, EC vs. traditional potty training.
Seriously, can you even imagine your 1-yr old not wearing a diaper?!
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