Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why I blog

Would you like 100 comments on your next blog post? That was the subject line of an email I received from Blogelina. I answered in my head, Of course I do! What blogger doesn't want to say something worthy of another person taking the time to leave a comment (no matter the commenting system, hehe)? Blogelina organized multiple 100-blog groups to participate. Basically, each blogger who signed up would visit 99 other blogs and leave a comment (who'll leave the remaining 1, hmmmm). So from Mar 1 to Mar 8, that's what we'll be doing. Since 99 new people might be visiting this site, I thought I'd give a brief introduction, and hopefully not bore my regular readers and supporters :).

Here it goes:

Hi all, my name is Lisa Ng. "Ng" is pronounced "ing" -- it's Cantonese. This blog's name is Expandng because I began blogging when I was pregnant with our first child (Nov 2009). Get it? Expand Ng, expanding my family? I love puns. Since it was my first pregnancy, I mostly blogged about fetus size and how I was feeling. I also had a few posts on shopping/couponing successes because it was fad at the time.

After our son was born, and my world turned upside down, I didn't blog for about four months. When I finally got back to blogging, I wrote a lot about our struggles as new parents and what we were enjoying about parenting, but I also continued posting about shopping/couponing successes. Early this year, I finally came to the realization that others do couponing much better, and that's when I finally asked myself, What is my blog? Why do I blog?

I know I'm a mommy blog (though the hubby says he'll inject some "manly" into this blog by writing unrelated posts about beer -- we'll see). But I've struggled to find an "angle" for this blog -- a focus -- something to set this blog apart from other mommy blogs….and you know what? I don't have an angle -- I'm not funny, snarky, I don't cuss, I'm not vulgar, I'm not an expert in anything per se. I'm just me. 

I blog because, first, I want a record of the growth and adventures in our expanding family. I blog because I want my friends to know what's up with us, even if we're far away. Lastly, and this was unplanned, I now blog to meet other bloggers. I'm reading this book called "Unfriend Yourself", and the author writes that social networking may connect people but true communion (i.e., community) happens only face-to-face. Though I can see his point (there's a lot of people I don't "commune" with via social networks), I have to disagree because through blogging I've met and interacted with awesome people whom I probably wouldn't have met otherwise.

So, if you're reading this post because you signed up for Blogelina's 100 comment event, thanks for taking the time to visit. Here's some tidbits about the site:
So...if you want some genuine, funny, and not-so-funny stories about mommy-hood, that's what Expandng is. If you're looking for a community of bloggers, I hope you can find that here too (not that I've formally organized a community or anything, but you hopefully know what I mean).

If you're reading this post because you normally would anyways, thanks to you too! I appreciate your time. I appreciate your interaction with me. Thanks to Blogelina for setting this whole thing up. I'm looking forward to checking out new blogs.


P.S. Enter my $25 The Children's Place gift card giveaway. You have until Mar 9!

So, why do you blog?

Show some love. Leave a comment below and I'll definitely respond! 
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