Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 14 - Navel orange

This week, our baby is the size of a navel orange (4.5")! At this point in the pregnancy, I should be gaining about a pound a week, or 4 pounds per month.

A friend of ours is having her second baby and is due the beginning of July. She is definitely showing! It's just so interesting to see the difference between our bellies even though we only due four weeks apart. Babies really do grow fast -- that's why people refer to pregnancy times in weeks and children's ages in months.


  1. well it's also b/c this is your first child and the other friend is having her second. Your abdominal muscles will not be as tight after baby is born and you've stretched your belly to the size of a watermelon :) If you and alan decide to have a second child, your belly will show faster too. A lot of changes happen to your body with a pregnancy ... enjoy it (I mean this sarcastically)! Congrats to your pending arrival!


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