Thursday, January 14, 2010

Start spreading the news

We started telling people that I'm pregnant...maybe we're telling people who don't know us that well (like our new church friends) or whatever, but I'm not getting the response that I thought I would...

Do they not want to be nosy? Do they feel awkward? It's so weird!

Even my friends in grad school, whom I've known for like 5 years now, were excited and congratulated me, but didn't really have anything to say beyond that. Maybe it's just me - that I'm nosy and think other people will be nosy too with me...oh well...doesn't change the fact that I'm still excited to tell people!

But a girl at bible study made an interesting comment after we announced the news...she said when we walked in the room, she thought I was pregnant. Maybe it was that I seemed happier or maybe it was "the glow". Interesting huh? Though A doesn't think I have "the glow"....thanks, sweetie! (with sarcasm)

Anyways, going to tell a high school friend and two other close church friends today. Hope someone (in addition to my family) will give me the reaction I am looking for! Haha!


  1. you gotta wear that same shirt for all your pregnancy photos! the sweater is deceiving!

  2. Ok, I'll try to keep the shirt more consistent for the future :)


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