This week's most popular post was A tribute to Dad. Thanks to Lucy's Reality (parenting blog), SoMi Speaks (parenting blog), and Angie from Pandaphilia (personal style blog) for leaving me such lovely comments!!

But I was also surprised by how many people resonated with my Thankful Thursday post about Time. Thanks to Angie from Pandaphilia (personal style blog) and AdamAlexMommy (personal style blog) for leaving such heartfelt comments!!

Remember, you can comment on my posts here on the blog, or on Facebook, or Twitter, or Email. I check 'em all and respond to every comment :).
Apparently, sidewalk street art by manfred stader is still bringing readers here, as well as how to make flan goya. Haha. I burned myself making flan that one time. Oh, and the Link Within widget below all my posts has also been helpful in leading readers to other posts. Read more about Link Within and other ways to expand your readership here. Woo hoo!
Well, have a great weekend everyone!
And thanks again for reading and commenting!
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i'm so happy to see you happy watching your blog growth! really there's no need for thanking us readers, but we should thank you for sharing your personality and stories :) happy weekend!