I'm digging that orange trench -- though $75 is a bit steep without knowing the quality of materials. It is an MNG by Mango trench afterall.

Well, if no colorful trench, how about a colorful watch? These are $15-$25!

Ok ok…color towels ($2-$15) or set of colorful mixing bowls ($20 in February -- one more day left!) then?
Besides the new look, JCP has also started a new pricing policy called Fair and Square. The hubby found their leading-up-to-the-change commercials hilarious -- women and men screaming in front of sale signs. Basically, JCP wants to make it easier for customers to know when things are always the same price ("everyday pricing") and when they are on sale ("month-long values" and "best prices"). No more screaming out of frustration, I suppose.

Business Week thinks that JCP's Fair and Square pricing policy is risky. The article makes a good point that since JCP products are "fairly homogenous" and "relatively undifferentiated", this pricing strategy might backfire on them when competitors, not locked-in to a 3-tier pricing policy, lower their prices to compete. I almost agreed but then I thought, doesn't Macy's have "Everyday Values". Don't they seem to be doing ok.
Actually, I don't think it's the pricing policy that JCP should worry about. I think it's the loyalty that many Macy's customers have to Macy's (and the loyalty other competitors' customers have to those stores). You know the only reason I shop at Macy's now is because we registered our wedding gifts at Macy's. We opened a store card. We get coupons. We get sale ads. It's a great place to pick up a tie, buttoned-down, Carter's bodysuits, and gifts. They sucked us in and we didn't even realize it!!!
So, that's what JCP needs. JCP needs to hook customers somehow. Preying on unsuspecting to-be-weds is perfect. They are gullible and willing to spend money. And then their guests spend money. And there you go. I know some of you are/were smart, savvy brides. Don't worry. JCP can't touch you!
But admit it, some of you have store cards to places you registered with. Some of you shop there out of a loyalty you didn't even know you had! It's ok. I'm with you.
Anything in the new JCP spark an interest?
Agree that JCP doesn't need a new pricing policy but needs a way to secure customers' loyalty?