Thursday, November 3, 2011

Choosing a convertible car seat

Even though the weight limit on our current car seat, Graco SnugRide, is 32 lbs. (not sure of the height limit), J is getting too big for it especially if he's wearing a jacket. I thought he might be able to use it until he was 2, at which time we'd buy a forward-facing car seat, but I was naive.


No need to buy an infant car seat with a weight limit greater than 25 lbs. 

J is over 90th percentile in height and weight, and we could have easily gotten a lighter infant car seat and made the switch to a convertible car seat earlier. J is currently 15 months, but he could have made the switch to a convertible car seat at 6 or 9 months.

Now you may say,

"Why don't I just forgo an infant car seat and just get the convertible car seat?"

Yes, it might save you money, but I appreciated the convenience of being able to easily move the infant car seat with J still sleeping soundly in it -- the beautiful power of a car ride! Also, a convertible car seat is bulky, which may be important if you drive a smaller car. 

We were in the market for a Britax. To compare models, we went to Great Beginnings in MD where all Britax car seats are 20% off list price). We got a great word of advice when deciding on the right Britax model from the (busy) sales associate (why did the manager only put only 1 guy in charge of the stroller/car seat/high chair department on a weekend?!)....

If you're deciding between the Roundabout (55 lbs) and Marathon (70 lbs), get the cheaper Roundabout because (1) you pay $90 more for the Marathon but only 6 more months of use (how long it takes for your baby to gain 15 lbs?) and (2) the Marathon doesn't offer any greater protection than the Roundabout.

Britax Roundabout

For added protection, it was between the Boulevard and the more expensive Advocate. The Advocate has added bracing/padding around the frame of the seat. Both have 70 lbs weight limit.

Britax Boulevard

Britax Advocate

Since we wanted added protection, we purchased the Britax Boulevard CS 70. The "CS" meaning their "Click & Safe" feature which clicks when the belt is pulled tight enough.

I believe it takes even more maneuvering on our part to get J into this seat than the Graco. But, we like Britax's side-impact protection so we'll deal with it. I know some parents aren't keeping their children rear-facing until they're 2 for many reasons. I think we'll try to abide by the AAP's recommendations until J's legs get so long that curling them against the back seat is unbearable. I'm sure that's only a few months weeks away.

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