Friday, February 24, 2012

A few of my favorite blogs

First off, we're only about 50 pageviews away from 10,000 and a gift card giveaway!!!!!

For the weekend, I'd like to leave you with the blogs that I read and interact with almost daily. It's a long list, so I've tried to make it easier for you skim-readers to find a blog that might interest you. Anyways, that word, interact is key because there plenty of blogs that I only read or post a comment occasionally. But then there are a handful of blogs on which I comment frequently, and they stop on over and comment here or at my photography blog, I hope they don't feel like they have to comment on mine because I comment on theirs because that's not my intent as all! I just feel somehow connected to them…hope that doesn't creep them out! I did try to reach each of them prior to posting this just to make sure though!

I'll start out with the first blogger I've really interacted with. This is when I first started realizing that if I want people to read my blog and leave comments here, then I have to do the same elsewhere. Jasmine at AdamAlexMommy welcomed me with open arms :).

AdamAlexMommy is a stay-at-home mom of two and a fashionista. Her kids are also impeccably dressed. She started her blog a little over a year ago, and she already has over 1,000 followers on Google Connect and 1,500 Twitter followers. On any given post, she receives at minimum 50 comments. Thus, she gets invited to awesome events like a Chanel trunk show. So, stop on over to AdamAlexMommy if you love fashion (for adults and kids!) and want to get to know a sweet lil' gal.


Next up is Judy from Talking Thirty. She's obviously in her thirties, but she's also a fairly new mommy and has been blogging a little over 8 months. Already, her C-section remorse post has been a "featured member post" on BlogHer. It was like her 3rd post over there! It's already received over a 100 comments and who knows how many pageviews! WHOA! So, stop on over to Talking Thirty if you want to share a candid, informative, and heartfelt conversation about being a mommy. Oh, and she's shared easy-peesy recipes for Resolutions be...cake and Hong Kong style egg tarts.

Talking Thirty

MauiShopGirlTM is a blogger from Maui, which is paradise except for the fact that retailers either don't ship to Hawaii or consider it a foreign country when calculating shipping charges. And online shopping can be a lifesaver for petites! She's a fashionista, photographer, and of course loves to promote all things Hawaiin -- most recently interviewing petite denim designer, Allison Izu. So stop over to MauiShopGirlTM for insights into fashion and Hawaii -- it's not just a tourist destination!


Nilsa from SoMi Speaks is a self-proclaimed sassy and funny gal (I agree!). First off, check out her cool calendar app on the left sidebar. It changes everyday with different people! Her site's been up since 2008 and has received over 89,000 pageviews! Whoa! Her son is only a bit younger than ours, so it's so fun to read her posts because we're going through similar things. Her son is also a cutie-pie! I love to interact with Nilsa from SoMi Speaks because it's almost like a real-life-mommy interaction! LOL! She's writes really well and is unexpectedly witty. Not that I wouldn't expect her to be witty, but it just comes up out of the blue in the middle of an otherwise serious-sounding post and you're like "whoa, what just happened?" I also love her clean site design and easy-to-navigate landing page. I'm such a dork. So, stop on over to SoMi Speaks to be surprised. Also, check out her awesome "about" page which lists a thing for each year she's been alive.

SoMi Speaks SoMi Speaks
Pretty good caricature, huh?

She sews, she's petite, she's SewPetiteGal (love the pun!). We mostly interact via my photography blog,, and she's always so encouraging! Anyways, I love reading SewPetiteGal because she takes inspiration from current fashion to make her clothes. Check out this amazing Chanel-inspired tweed jacket. I've only ever really sewn once, and believe me, a simple square was hard for me to sew. I can't imagine what goes into a beautiful jacket like that! So stop on over to SewPetiteGal for some amazing fashion projects as well as reviews on store-bought clothes (yes, she does that too).

She has an etsy shop, but this badge links to her site

Pandaphilia is an amazing young woman -- she's a blogger and fashionista, all the while in a pre-med program! I seriously do not know how she finds the time! The first time I visited her site, I saw a post on Matcha Green Tea Kit Kat, and I kinda knew it was meant to be...She's a sweet lil' gal who has quirky fashion, has done Asian glamour shots (they're gorgeous!), and could probably tell me why I'm crazy sometimes. Head on over...and read her most recent post, a sweet tribute to her mom.


Ok, so this next blog, I know exactly how I came upon it. I am on Blogelina's mailing list (they have great articles about successful blogging on their site), and recently they invited bloggers to join "Blogging Buddy Groups". I said, "Why not?" and got placed in a group, and that's where I met Laura of World of Laura B. Her blog only started Feb. 10 and she's already written some great posts like a review on the Grocery Game, which I've heard about and now am interested in trying. She's also sewn her own doggie diapers! It's such an honor to be with her on your journey with her new blog. She's even added my site to her "favorites" on the right sidebar. So sweet! So stop on over to a new blog that's got great aspirations -- pages for crafts, tutorials, frugal living, what's for dinner, house & home, and family

World of Laura B

So here's a recap:
Have a great weekend! 
Read a new blog, if you can!

Show some love. Leave a comment below and I'll definitely respond! 
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