Friday, November 11, 2011

It's better to be super than to be perfect

When I was young (not that I'm old now, right?), I dreamt of being the perfect girlfriend. I would put on makeup, dress pretty, act demure, send my BF sweet notes and gifts, and show him what a perfect wife I could be.


When I was less young and engaged, I dreamt of being the perfect wife. I would put on makeup, dress pretty, act demure, send my husband sweet notes and gifts, cook, clean and show him what a perfect mother I could be.


When I was even less young and married, I dreamt of being the perfect mother. I would put on makeup, dress pretty, act demure, send my husband and kids sweet notes and gifts, cook, clean and show them what a cool person I could be.


Some people are either (1) really strangely perfect...or (2) hiding/faking it real well. Bravo to them.

Then there are those that poke fun at themselves, like Ilana Rosengarten, hilarious author of Mommy Shorts (no, they are not the shorts version of mommy jeans like my sister thought). Here's part of her list of  Supermom skills. Guess I could be Supermom but not Perfectmom ;).

I love #241 because it's so true. Kids do love goldfish crackers!
#243 made me crackup because it's like wrestling an alligator, slippery too when he's all covered in Aquaphor, into anything -- PJs, shoes, socks, etc.
#247 my husband and I have been known to catch spoons, bowls, cups, and food in mid-air
#248 hilarious -- I always smell it before my husband does

What are Supermom or Superdad skills?

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