Monday, November 14, 2011

Stop the time-change madness!

It seemed like forever ago that we switched back to Eastern Standard Time (EST). The fury that ensued when it occurred is a faint memory now. Maybe that's why no one has ever successfully lobbied to stop the time-changing madness. Once it's over, we move on and forget it about it. But not me! I still hold a grudge.

The switch back to EST was awful because it made our son tired. We'd put him to bed later but he still wanted to get up at his usual time, 6am, which was then 5am to us. So he started his day off earlier and was then tired all day. And this compromised his immune system and he got mad-sick. Ugh!

You know, it wasn't until I lived overseas that I realized that the whole world does not follow daylight savings. Heck, there aren't even time zones in China!

So what's the deal with Daylight Savings Time (DST) in the U.S. anyways? (Well, only Arizona and Hawaii don't follow DST. Another reason to move to Maui right?) Wikipedia says (so does Scientific American, which is way more trustworthy than Wikipedia) something about saving energy and promoting afternoon activities. That's great! So why can't we be in DST all the time? Who needs EST?

You know what happens every time we have to switch our clocks? Google "daylight savings psychology" and you get headlines like Daylight-Saving Time Leads To Less Sleep, More Injuries On The Job and Detrimental Effects of Daylight-Saving Time on SAT Scores. Did someone say SAT scores? Why aren't the Asians revolting yet?

I "liked" three Facebook groups against DST until I realized, with help from a co-worker, that I like DST. It's EST I don't like.

So seriously, how do we get rid of this time-changing madness?
Any political-minded friends out there know?

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