Monday, June 20, 2011

Traveling with small child(ren)

Preparing for a future trip with J, I've been observing people traveling with small children. I've noticed strollers, car seats, and backpacks (for the older kiddies).

We currently have a Graco stroller (shown below, I'm still pregnant in that photo) that has a rotating canopy, full recline, snack tray, padded seat, and large basket. With a loaded diaper bag hung on the handles, it has never tipped over, so you can imagine how heavy it might be. I've always said our stroller/car seat combo was heavy and cumbersome, so A's agreeing to take a look at some lightweight or umbrella-style strollers. The new stroller will also take up less trunk space when we travel, which he's always worried about.

I've gotten the following two recommendations from a fellow mom:
  • Maclaren Quest (online $190) - Her experience is that the stroller tips over when a diaper bag is hung on the handles. I'm surprised that the Quest weighs only a few pounds lighter (22 lbs) than (what I consider to be) our 26-lb behemoth. 


  • Uppa Baby G-luxe (online $130) - Her friends say it has all-wheel suspension (good for bumpy sidewalks), has a full recline (good for J), and a decent-size hood (great since we’re both careful about his direct sun exposure). And it's only 11 lbs.    

I've also found two lists on (one of my Favorite Savers):

Whatever stroller we pick, I hope it is: (1) less than $150; (2) lightweight; (3) easy to fold/unfold (in case one parent ever travels alone); (4) has a canopy; (5) has an under-basket; and (6) has some recline though J hasn't napped in a stroller for sometime now.

A brought up a good point - why buy a second stroller if we are planning to have more children? We'll have to lug around two strollers then. Hmmm…

I've seen the Phil & Teds' (MSRP $350) 7-in-1 infant/toddler stroller in action. But then we'd have to buy a new car seat so that it fits in the buggy.  

Britax has a convertible one too, but it's not available in the U.S. There are 22 combinations shown on their website!  


The Baby Trend Sit 'n Stand (MSRP $150) also looks promising. There are two versions that we may find useful: with and without second seat & canopy. The left-most one shown below may not be the most comfortable for an older J, but maybe he won't even want to sit in a stroller like many kids. The product description says it fits most car seats.  

Graco makes a stroller frame too, but it can only fit 1 child. 

Oh, the decisions! 

1 comment:

  1. Depends on how old J will be when you have the second kid. Lily is going to be 3 by the time our second child arrives. I have no intention of buying a double stroller b/c those things are HUGE and cumbersome. I'll either buy a buggy board to attach to our Uppababy Vista or put the infant in our beco butterfly while we push Lily around--the girl is getting a bit lazy these days and wants to be pushed :) Since I'm not a stay-at-home mom and don't need to go on long walks to keep the kids sane...I don't see much point in buying a double stroller at this point in time. Plus most people I know who own one don't use them b/c they're so bulky. You can buy a new mac quest on ebay for less than $190...every mom here in NYC uses a mac quest...I think b/c it's easy to push with one hand and easy to fold, etc. also it's just one of those trendy things that moms buy...


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