Monday, December 13, 2010

Soy formula

It’s been 5 days since we started on Enfamil’s Soy Formula. We saw improvement in J’s skin in just 1 day! But the switch in the formula caused a major backup in the plumbing, if you know what I mean. Poor guy struggled with every BM. Red face, grunting, the works. The Doc recommended a few ounces of apple juice – potassium to help the situation. Over the weekend, BMs were easier for J. We also tried a feeding of Similac’s Soy Formula because A read online that it didn’t cause constipation as much as Enfamil’s. Unfortunately, in just 1 feeding, we saw the redness in J’s face worsen. Hopefully, in the next few days, everything will be back to normal for Jacob. It’s times like these when I wish I were still breastfeeding. His skin would be great and no plumbing issues…

In other news, we will be introducing brown rice to Jtoday. Can’t wait to post the video and/or photos of his reaction!

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