Thursday, December 9, 2010

Finding a pediatrician (PA)

Before we moved to Maryland, we saw Pennridge Pediatrics in Harleysville. They were one of the recommendations at a breastfeeding seminar I attended given by North Penn Nursing Mothers. Many of A’s co-workers also brought their kids there. Both A and I LOVED the practice. We had a consultation with one of the doctors about a month before J was born. Their office was clean, and we liked that there was a “sick“ and “well“ waiting room. When we met with Dr. Kratz, we liked that he gave us plenty of time to ask questions. He also told us that many of the doctors in the practice still taught and did research, which to us meant that staying up to date on the latest findings in children’s health was important. Talking with other parents, it’s amazing the changes in recommendations for children’s health over the years.

Doctors used to allow parents to give their children solid food (in the form of cereal mixed in with breastmilk or formula) a few weeks after birth. Now, the recommendation is to wait until at least 4 months to introduce solids. I’ve even read that the later you wait, the less likely your baby is to develop food allergies.

Doctors also used to recommend formula over breastmilk. Now, the motto (for some doctors) is “breast is best”. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and supports breastfeeding for the 1st year (and longer as desired by mother and child).

But then we moved to Maryland and we hoped to find a pediatrician that we liked as much as Pennridge…

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