Thursday, October 27, 2011

Always seems to be sick

I knew that J would get sick (a lot) in daycare -- it'd be inevitable. But oh my goodness, it's like one right after the other this past month. It started with a runny nose, then escalated to a fever, then a rash + fever! 

Two weekends ago, we noticed red bumps on J's inner thigh. We just thought it was an irritation from crawling around in only a onesie. But then a week later at daycare, the teachers noticed it -- this time over more parts of his body and accompanied by gastrointestinal issues.

We took him to the ped that day. Thankfully he ruled out hand-foot-mouth disease, which sounds scarier than it is, for which there was a confirmed case at the daycare a few weeks prior. Doc and the teachers both mentioned that it's common for kids to break out like that right before a fever or even after a fever has been over. So weird!


Doc wasn't able to determine the cause of the rash except to say it is a viral exanthem and the gastrointestinal issues could just be along for the ride. Saturday morning, after a good night's rest, Benadryl, and a colloidal oatmeal bath that Daddy insisted on giving him, J's rash has subsided (and so has the gastrointestinal issues). YAY! This week, he is back at daycare, and I haven't gotten a call, so that must be good :). This past weekend was rough, but we made it through, and I was reminded that I am only a custodian of God's child, and I can be a better one with His help.

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