Our electricity went out so A asked me to look out the window to see if our neighbors' lights were also out. Before I could pull the blinds back, our electricity came back on (thank goodness because the news reported that many were still without power days after the snow storm). But then I saw a very odd scene and also a not-so-odd one.
Odd scene:
Grown man making a huge snowman. An even odder one: Grown woman joins in by bringing him what looks like cereal boxes and a large bag of something (coal?). A thought the cereal boxes might be for the snowman's arms. We both saw that the bag contained material for the snowman's eyes/mouth/buttons.
It's near white-out conditions. Is the building of this snowman really that urgent? Well, whatever floats your boat, silly weird neighbors. The next morning, the snowman had two stumps as arms - guess those cereal boxes didn't work. Two days later, only the snowman's bottom was in tact.
Not-so-odd scene:
Guy stuck in snow. Guy in the car in front of him stopped to help guy stuck in snow. A throws on his jacket and boots to help the guys out.
At first I was asking myself why had this guy waited this late (8pm) to come home - he knew the snow was coming. Then I corrected myself because he was probably stuck on 270. Little did I know that he was probably lucky because commuters were stuck on the GW Parkway for 12 hrs. Our neighbor rolled in at 1:30am and was shoveling the visitor's parking spot, which is RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR SINGLE-PANED WINDOWS. It was annoying to say the least. I'm thankful I live 15 min from work and left that day at 2:30pm.